
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

680 News


If you replace joint replacement surgeries, which, apparently, are on time for the first time for some reason(maybe patients were scared),with cancer treatment rather than life saving surgery, like tumor removal in, for example, breast, then there is surgery needed for, like, stress injuries from not replacing hips, for examplethat can be directly traced to not replacing the joints within a certain time frame and we cannot forget the realization of all surgeries, even life saving, as elective surgeries by torontos top doctor upon an an unknowing public, with the exception of those who have had this torture...most not wanting any surgery, but death a better option, lightening the light load on toronto surgeries that are life saving and much needed to not turn toronto into a 'life is cheap' write them off third world high population knock off city...where the no work government pay check is king...of death.

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