
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Its Like The CRA Fraud Calls, emails, etc.

You've been sold. The fraudsters call you cuz they want to let you know your check was just cut,  you owe, etc. 

It's not a data leak in Canada. It's a sell to fraudsters in India or whatever(sometimes they speak that countries language first) famous for credit fraud, knockoffs, like drugs, etc and narcotics. Best with the source in the world.

Some would say the Canada data leak is really a cover for the foreign leak.

So, now it's province doing same thing. Fraudsters calls on a provinicially identified phone. You've been sold overseas. 

I'm sure there'll be a domestic leak that won't be reported, but rumored.
They'll mention family members more as a threat then hang up. All a mistake.

Not. You've been sold at the provincial level, just like the cra and narcos laundering money.

They own you there too.

And know your family members just as well.

So, back off. Fuck her or whatever. Get the drugs, you'll even find best provincial city housing...

I don't have any family. They all died on flight 232 twenty years ago.

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