
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Gang Bangers Premium Shift Only!

Walmart there's wer 5 or 6 gang members having a meeting and the one outsider had the look of surprise and fear on her face.

They got rid of all the outsiders on the opening shift.

Well, that's how gang works. Outsider customers are all sold after they leave and the gang bangers just complain they had to make them and buy...or trade as it goeswith gangs.

Sounds like cabbies weall knew about, but they just said stupid outsiders can pick up on outsider customers!!!

Ten bucks the government guy who Terminal echoedand I'm.ediatly deleted my comment to ICC is in the the gang confirms this brokering vue of outsiders even more cuz the gang took the government employees in the gang.

Outsiders are just filth to trade. Toilets who open there mouths for gang bangers shitting.

No doubt that's how outsiders are thought of...

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