
Monday, August 22, 2022

Al Shabazz

So, she's a slip and fall. She trespasses looking for targets, jhifes in the blind spot and you hit her.

So, I started turning on NY hazards and backing super slow.

This works, but I forgot she has to stalk you and be there when you back out.

So  today I got out of the car after she passed and she was gone.

I turned the hazards off before backing out cuz a car was coming through. I didn't want anyone to think I needed help.

The car passed and I backed out and began to enter the one way street.

Near center road was the car stopped. He kicked the tire.

Classic hit. He gets out to help or I get out to help.

Head shot.

So, I passed and went about my errands.

I skipped walmart.

I've been alerting routine.

So, she's a spotter too. I never get out of the car, but did.

This reminded me of the bus bomber and the blind guy he was using.

This guy had a guy in the ttc terminal who was told to leave by ttc.

Car jacking are back. Deaths in parking lots. Transportation.

1500 car jackings this year. Rogers 680 news.

Canada is a major drug source country. It's just Bogota back in the day....

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