
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Black Jeep Knows Galleria Security

So, it was around 4 and I'd come from the gym. It's pretty much gang bangers punks paid min wage to do nothing.

A car pulled up and out of this big lot with few cars he pulls up to my front, brights on.

I was lying down. Some pervs do this in lots to get a look inside. Parts thieves too and they sell the lot to the Indie narco preferred dealers if they can't steal enough. Those call cops and ones usually dirty indie narco.

So, after about a half hour I decided I'm gonna see who this is cuz history.

I turn on the alarms, get out and start shooting.

A second cop had just pulled up and any plans the other cop had of killing me in a parking lot were dashed, so I shot away.

They left immediately.

This reminds me of the second check with the dirty cop. His partner fits perfectly the description of the cop who got his head shot off the other day, so people are wondering what's gonna happen to the second save me cop.

It's all SIU. Part of provincial investigations, so killing me is a bad idea cuz I did lodge a complaint against the dirty one.

Anyway, I'm still alive. Construction bosses were late today...good workers on time.

Bad cop is hiding behind his mirror smiling. No numbers on car.
Saver cop has numbers clearly displayed.

This is classic. No identifiers doesn't want pictures taken.

He's not SIU and knows there's a provincial investigation into the murder.

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