
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Scary Stench

And it won't leave.

It's the guy by the elevators, so everyone notices cuz it get in your clothes and won't come out. 

He's one of those gang bangers either those strange rituals that set them apart from outsiders.

Like the Jesus tattooed mass murdering drug dealers of Mexico. One this gangs rules us not to bath. They don't. They will lie, but they will not; gang ritual like food you eat, where it comes from, etc. All necessities of life, including hygiene.

He don't care. He will Stench up the whole building then complain. They have to send PSWs, but he still won't clean himself. 

The stench is horrible and clings to everything. It's been in the common sir ducts and they'll have to be disinfected. It's in your fridge and freezer. It's everywhere.

So, some don't believe, but it's true. It's just that man's body. What most guys say at the hostel is; "you are breathing that man's ass."

Illegal taxidermy. That's probably what the fire department will say; some ladies cat or whatever. Usually not it's just that man.

Human head theory you tube.

Anyway, the only way to be rid of the health issue is he goes. It's a hygiene issue affecting the whole tower. People are getting sick.

The PSW needs to report him. Then it's mental health and he's fine. So, bye 

The sooner the better. It'll just get worse and he won't change. The PSW has never seen him come out if the shower wet and never will.

Gangs. Most have a thing about hygiene...

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