
Thursday, May 30, 2024

So, It Wasn't That Gang...

Yesterday Gang Activity....

Today. Police Activity...

So, yesterday a bunch of loud gang Members insisted on accessing the property. 

Building operator, not Woodgreen noticed. Told them to leave. Still insisted on access, loud money arguments.

Yesterday afternoon the short timer gets visits from woodgreen, two gang members in attire. Then, psw, who says he has to leave. Then, big guy who let's himself in.

Gotta go.

This was all woodgreen gang getting rid of a guy who had nothing to do with it.

Staged by woodgreens from pre woodgreen and new hires going along to scare building operator.

All this to get rid of one new guy. He was vulnerable and woodgreen used everything against him.

Who insists on
building access? Delivery gang. Taxi/transport gang. Security guard gang that doesn't work days...and had no reports of anything and passes on everything. I doubt they licenses....

One vulnerable guy. Not in any of these gangs...cuz from the wrong turf, dint lol right, etc.

It was probably the big one who wants to get real close in the laundry room...where there are now cameras...

Anyway, all on you tube soon(big guy is), but there are people leaving that never went in....

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