
Friday, May 17, 2024

Woodgreen Destroyed!

This is the backdoor basement door lock.
It's been like this fir months. 

Underneath the tower are at least three highly flammable dumpsters. Lots of recycling cardboard, etc. These light up the smoke goes right up into the tower. These have before.Unremediated and reported. Maybe this is why they don't like the fire department.

or this. That's all fire lane. Woodgreen car.

All fire lane.  Been like this for years.
The door on the right tenants aren't allowed to use. It's just for Woodgreen like the rest. 

This is Woodgreen office on 6. Open 24/7 complete with narcotics 'safety' and used by any staffer 24/7. This is illegal, not to mention predatory on vulnerable.

This is floor 2 where Woodgreen had more offices. They still have them, just unlabeled for stealth 'business' 24/7.

This is the stairwell there. Wires hanging out on bottom, attachments going nowhere obviously security equipment disused tossed when Woodgreen 'relocated.'

Woodgreen slyms properties, like the ither tower where the dead guy was found after a few days. That's the portable benefit tower and more easily exploited by Woodgreen. Expect more corpses as, obviously here too, they send those thugs with you on that list when no one else is here to pound on your door and demand entry.

This is why everyone is worried about getting on Woodgreen's door pounding demand entry list.

They haven't safetied. I have.

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