
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Donia - Fairbank

Gangs have found this interesting as Etobicoke indie Narcos claim east of Dufferin, something the tow trucks have always been interested in doing. Now it's the vehicles, parking, guards gang.

Apparently, after the Modi win, if you can call it that since the public isn't allowed to vote on PM in parliamentary rule countries, there has been more than the Iran 'relstionship' with India to claim a 'special relationship' with Muslims.

This is common for gangs to claim everybody and everything. So, as the Etobicoke gang lands claims move further east toward Bloor we're seeing the same.

This, including the wars in Ukraine, Hamas opening up a new front in M.E., are all controlled by the major narcotics source, heroin and opium, indie narco.

This is Russia's ally doing what gangs do best.

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